Day: November 17, 2017

S2:E12 – Final Fantasy III Commercial

Listen, when you’re a busy account executive at the biggest advertising firm in the city, you haven’t got time to do things like research. Or care. Especially when it’s for an ad for one of those “video games” your kid keeps talking about. You take a look at the artwork the client sent over, throw away the ones by some hack named Amano that look like the characters subsist on nothing but Jergens body lotion, circle the weird teddy bird thing on the cover of the box and write “make it edgy” before sending it down to production. Done. Time for martinis.

Thus is almost certainly the story with the Final Fantasy III commercial that your host, John Hurst, chose as our video to watch on loop this episode. Co-host Aaron Littleton uses the opportunity to correct a grievous misunderstanding about animation techniques.

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