Hello. I am Daisy. And if we all look deep within us, aren’t we all Daisy? Aren’t we all all just far away princesses in a desert land, waiting for another taste of a big break after the 15 minutes faded away in portable monochromatic glory? Sure, we sometimes get included in their SPORTS and their PARTIES and maybe a bit of KART RACING in between, but still we wait with baited breath for the day we will be invited to join the upper echelon. And when that time comes, we will rise up and SMASH those that have derided us all this years. They shall taste our bitter fury! Not even the floaty princess with the star can stop us now. OUR TIME IS NIGH.
Anyway, please subscribe to our All Daisy Channel, which will now be your All Daisy Channel as well. Hello. I am Daisy. Hello.
Aaron hosts this week and is sitting at the B table. John co-hosts and looks for music venues he can crash at for a little while.
Write to us at questions@videodeathloop.com!