Year: 2018

S2:E27 – McDLT Commercial

Are you willing to destroy the environment so your fast food hamburger can be just slightly better? Are you ready to join the mindless masses marching behind Jason Alexander as he holds the new god aloft? As the Earth collapses into the sun, will your hot stay hot or will your cool stay cool forever? Welcome to the McDLT.

This week we watch the classic(?) Jason Alexander McDLT commercial.

Aaron Littleton hosts and angers the spirit of Teddy Roosevelt. John Hurst hosts and huddles around a salad bar.

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S2:E26 – Kiss from a Rose Music Video

Tie-in music videos are nothing special, except when a hit 90s singer uses them to confess his undying love for Batman. Will Batman finally notice Seal, or will his father force him to abandon childish things and marry his cousin or whatever? We expect a job offer from CLAMP after this episode!

This week, we watched the Kiss from a Rose music video and revealed our true feelings…about cats.

John Hurst hosts and reinforces a closet. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and carries hidden movies.

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S2:E25 – The Screen Savers TV Opening

There was a time, not all that long ago, that a cable channel might consider running a three-to-four hour block of computer tech tips. That network was Tech TV and that show was The Screen Savers. Maybe it wasn’t actually that long, but in our minds, it was an endless stream of registry editing, configuration tweaking and RAM installing minutiae. Exquisite.

To celebrate this bygone era, we watch the original The Screen Savers opening theme on loop!

Aaron Littleton hosts this week and does a classic nice day arm wavey thing. John Hurst co-hosts and shares his gigs.

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S2:E24 – Juicy Fruit Commercial

Did Juicy Fruit create extreme sports or did extreme sports create Juicy Fruit? Philosophers will endlessly debate the question, never bothering to learn that Juicy Fruit was first launched in 1893 and that the creation of extreme sports probably had nothing to do with the gum. This classic 80s Juicy Fruit commercial is at the heart of the sordid matter. Teach the controversy.

John Hurst hosts and wonders if the taste is really gonna move ya. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and yells about shirts for a while.

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S2:E23 – MathMan: Multiples of 6

After our abysmal math performance in the recent Beverly Hills 90210 episode, listener muteKi suggested that we might need a refresher course in very basic arithmetic and submitted this episode of MathMan, a sketch from the educational PBS show Square One.

MathMan is a beleaguered Pac-Man clone who must use his short time in this world eating answers to math problems lest he be consumed by Mister Glitch. But what does this all have to do with LBJ and mid-tier 70s-era comedians?

Aaron Littleton hosts this week and casts a wide (math) net. John Hurst co-hosts and faces the uncomfortable suggestion that Animaniacs might not be very good.

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