S3:E41 – Hot Lixx Commercial

Let’s all acknowledge that at some point, every idea gets Hot Lixxed. No matter how shocking, how disruptive, how abhorrent to the societal norms of the time, Hot Lixx is the ultimate destination for all human creative capital. Given enough time, and probably less than you think, someone will find a way to sand the rough edges off of any idea, encapsulate it in plastic, fill that shell with cheap Chinese microchips and sell it back to you. You’ll buy it and give it to your kids, because you spend too much time at work. Just  don’t Bing it in front of them.

This week we watched a commercial for a toy guitar called Hot Lixx. We resented it greatly.

John Hurst hosts and gets a Hot Keyz. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and builds a theoretical computer.

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