S4:E22 – Dinersaurs Cereal Commercial
In the late 80s, cereal ideas were already pretty dire, but that doesn’t mean anything if you have a dino pun ready to go! As soon as you make a dino pun, your marketing idea instantly jumps up in potential profits 800%, no matter how much sawdust and glue you use in the final product. It just make sense. Put dinos in anything! Kids will love them. Hell, I bet if we put them into a podcast episode, people will gobble it up! Maybe a podcast episode like this one, where we watch the Dinersaurs Cereal Commerical on loop! It sells itself! Get our brand lawyer on the phone! We got a new plan!
John Hurst is your host this week and he is only eating the cereal part of the complete breakfast. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and he’s choosing the red crayon for the Allosaurus.
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