Hey guys, it’s Uno! The game you play with people you barely know and only want to know slightly more about them by the end! Do they draw more cards? Can you make them skip their turn? Whatever! It’s Uno! Noone remembers who even won by the end! Yeah, we’ll have it done by next week! See ya!
… They gone? Good. Okay, now that we got the game greenlit, it’s time for to make our dream anime visual novel scenario happen. But it’s gotta have Uno involved just enough or they’re going to start raising questions. Work with me here, I got an idea. We need some horses.
A lot of horses.
John Hurst hosts this week and he’s renting of Volume 2 of an Anime VHS because they don’t have Volume 1.. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and he needs one of those old timey levers to make sure the box works.
Ask us questions at questions@videodeathloop.com!