S5:E44 – Ducks annihilate a bowl of peas

Ducks, man. Ducks love some peas. They love them more than I think I love any actual food as a human, if this video is any proof. We here at Video Death Loop are both in awe and terrfied of the ability of a duck to tear through and muddy up a bowl that once had peas in it even when they seem to be perfefctly clean. Where did the dirt come from? Is it all within! Do they mix it with the peas to make some sort of terrifying chocolate vegetable treat? The world may never know, except for the ducks of the world. And they grow with power with every bowl of delicious green veggies given to them. Be ready. Tonight we ride.
Aaron Littleton is your host and he is turning safe search off for Poland. John Hurst is your co-host and he is accidentally making way too many horse-sized animals that are not horses.
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