Ah! After six seasons, we have finally done it! (We are not finally free, we are still doing this. We are trapped in our own prison.) We’ve done the Power Rangers opening! This feels like a thing we should have probably got out of the way in Season 1 or something, right? But we didn’t. We did VR Troopers instead, because that’s how we are (Vee-Arr). Now we’re ready for the big leagues. The highly modified big leagues from the even bigger leagues this show was pulled from. We got the attitude! We got the hangout! We know how to make the best drinks to impress your friends (Find out at the end of this episode!) But mostly, we’re just concerned about the size of this community juice bar. Bring out the Balance Bar for Wednesdays!
John Hurst is your host his week and he is ready for someone to make a “Zordon eating a Hotdog” emoji for his phone. Aaron Littleton is your co-host and he is very distracted in the Angel Grove Gym and Juice Bar.
Ask us questions at questions@videodeathloop.com!