S8:E3 – Umamusume: Pretty Derby Opening Theme
The spirit of horses are alive, but not the horses themselves! They’re just in another world and they’re racing for… I dunno, reasons? Because they gotta? Maybe it’s like a hummingbird thing and they always gotta keep running so it’s better to put that energy on the track? Hasn’t that one horse girl been in high school for 9 years? Do they retire? Did they join the PGA Senior Tour? We’re not sure and Umamusume is not going to tell us. Write your damn fanfiction. We at CyGames have money to make!
John Hurst is your host this week and he’s lore-dumping about the horse show on an unsuspecting Aaron this episode. Aaron Littleton is your co-host this week and he’s not sharing the extra good pickles from the top shelf.
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