Day: September 20, 2024

S8:E26 – Hamlet “2000” Movie Trailer

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him well! He made this slidedeck for me to sell Denmark! They don’t know that we’re doing it. Well, maybe they have an inkling of an idea. We’re called the Denmark Corporation after all. We kind of said on our yearly business review that we are going to “sell that damn country finally”. So, maybe they won’t be blindsided. But we’re dedicated to selling it and we have quite a pitch for you! Just ask our former’s president’s ghost! He’s not thinking of revenge at all! Or making his son do it!

Aaron Littleton is your host this week and he needs to pitch to Microsoft precisely on January of 2000 if this scheme is to work. John Hurst is your co-host and he wouldn’t be caught dead calling it a PowerPoint.

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