February 2025

S9:E6 – The Little Unicorn Trailer

How little can a unicorn be? Well, according ot the film ‘The Little Unicorn” circa 2002: Not little at all! It’s an average size horse! Bigger maybe! It’s got a horn and it glows and everyone wants it and I think we ran out of plot so let’s add like 45 minutes of interpersonal family conflict with David Warner, thank you! And once they’re done, it’s time to really make our new unicorn-related industry go to work. Don’t worry, it’s very humane! Extremely! We swear! The USDA swears!

John Hurst is your host this week and he associates the cloned sheep Dolly with Madden 96 for an incredibly specific reason. Aaron Littleton is your co-host this week and he needs some cool glowy platforms or it is not REAL science.

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S9:E5 – Camp Wilder TV Opening

Sometimes, something can look like an entire decade and noone can know what year it came from. This is true even for build who lived in the decade. But the scientists over at Video Death Loop have it all figured out when it comes to Camp Wilder, our second ABC TGIF show of the season. What was it about? How did the plot go? Did involve as much surf music and whimsy as they are desperately trying to give in the intro? We don’t know! But we can say we’re pretty sure it might be a 90s show. Maybe. At least someone didn’t have to die by hamburger to become a (teen) angel! … Actually, we have no idea there also. We’ll check wikipedia after I finish writing this.

Aaron Littleton is your host this week and he is getting that cheap hit so Fandango can win the dark match. John Hurst is your co-host and he is the heralder of surf music in the 90s.

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S9:E4 – Burger King Kids Club Commercial

The Burger King Kid’s Club (BK Kid’s Club to the cool ones out there) was a radical set of kids being radical in your radically marketed mind. They needed someone to combat the monstrosities McDonald’s was giving us with years and eons of lore, just in case Mayor McCheese ever decided to unleash the Grimace or one of his many cousins on the neighboring fast food chains in the same section of town. The results would be brutal and what better way to combat monsters than a ragtag group of children banding up together to learn about friendship and/or burgers? Would the artist making the BK Kids, in their cyberpunkian glory, also realize he was a part of the plot? Would the editor? Where does the inception end? Maybe after we get our box of meal prep chips in the mail. We got corn chips this week! It’s going to be a good one.

John Hurst is your host this week and he’s thinking of things in terms of what you can wear on your belt like a totally cool person and not like a dad with sunglasses, okay?! Aaron Littleton is your newly appointed co-host and he’s got some historical Gilgamesh fanfiction just for you.

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