S9:E4 – Burger King Kids Club Commercial

The Burger King Kid’s Club (BK Kid’s Club to the cool ones out there) was a radical set of kids being radical in your radically marketed mind. They needed someone to combat the monstrosities McDonald’s was giving us with years and eons of lore, just in case Mayor McCheese ever decided to unleash the Grimace or one of his many cousins on the neighboring fast food chains in the same section of town. The results would be brutal and what better way to combat monsters than a ragtag group of children banding up together to learn about friendship and/or burgers? Would the artist making the BK Kids, in their cyberpunkian glory, also realize he was a part of the plot? Would the editor? Where does the inception end? Maybe after we get our box of meal prep chips in the mail. We got corn chips this week! It’s going to be a good one.
John Hurst is your host this week and he’s thinking of things in terms of what you can wear on your belt like a totally cool person and not like a dad with sunglasses, okay?! Aaron Littleton is your newly appointed co-host and he’s got some historical Gilgamesh fanfiction just for you.
Ask us questions at questions@videodeathloop.com!