If you were a kid in 2006, odds were you had enough free time to film a whole scene in the parking lot of a Best Buy. We know we sure did, but we didn’t make this auspicious film. Someone else got to it first, knowing the perfect spot to frame and flip off a Best Buy box store with the most thunderous of effects. Know doubt there is something performative about the gesture, but one can almost sense a real realness to the whole thing. Was their a real slight towards a pre-ordered Wii that was forgotten about? Did the person who is doing the flipping formerly work for the corporation? Why is he so far away from the store? Why is that one car so bad at parking? The world may never know, but we can at least observe. And observe we shall forever.
John Hurst is your host this week and he’s seeing the realness through the irony, man. Aaron Littleton is your co-host and he is ushering in a new Era according to Wikipedia.