
S5:E24 – Micro Machines Super Van City Commercial (1995)

Come to Super Van City!!! It’s a Van! And a City! All in one!!!! But it’s tiny too. But the big sort of tiny? The kind of tiny that has a whole block to it, with a potential small (micro) kabab place with the good kababs and the one with the okay kababs too. And if you go to the okay one, it’s alright! It’s not going to ruin your day! You’re at SUPER VAN CITY, you hip micro machine you! A wizard probably runs it! You better hope it’s a wizard anyway. If it’s a sorcerer who runs your Super Van City, there may be some concerns to be had the micro-citizens. Council meeting at the Micro Race Track at 6!

Aaron Littleton is your host this week and he the absolute perfect Game Genie code for you at the end of this episode, so stick around. John Hurst is your co-host and he’s sneaking into record a podcast with very distinguishing straw hat.

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S5:E23 – Fanta Fantanas Invasion 2000s Commercial (2004)

Don’t you wanta? I’m tempted to end the post there. There’s a few of us (Namely the two of us hosting this podcast you are looking at right now) who have an instant reaction to those words or the saccharine jingle that is somehow melody-less and catchy at the same time. The trend is to call us “Geriatric Millennials” And you’d be right, but haven’t we had enough? We have to sling so much irony and sarcasm at you all this time. I know it’s hard but someone it has to do it and it may as well be the generation that saw the music videos live on Music Television before it became a shirt you wore! This is all our generation is good at! It is our craft! We fine-tuned ‘our generational antikythera sarcasm mechanism at retail jobs, watching boring daytime television when our AOL ran out for the month and sharing our limited but discounted soda with our brethren while listening to juggalo mixtape CD-Rs on our 5-CD Car Changer. Leave us be! We’re the reason you’re listening to podcasts! Now, don’t you want a Fanta or not?!

John Hurst is your host this week and he is rolling up his 2000s-era LARP character. Aaron Littleton is your co-host and he’s coming to the class with the finished workbook!

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S5:E22 – Pentagon releases UFO video

Aliens! Do they exist? Who knows?! Maybe the government if they can stop shrugging their damn non-alien shoulders! What are we looking at? Bigfoot? The Moon? A crude-shaped future drone? We asked every member of Blink-182 their opinion and we realized we don’t personally know any of the members of that band so we’re stuck and out of options. Maybe the answer is… Up there. Bring a shovel.

Aaron Littleton is your host this week and he’s contemplating the structure of a specific drone. John Hurst is your co-host and is looking up new hip dot coms for the modern age!

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S5:E21 – Japanese Frisbee Pizza (20 meters)

Your neighbor has left for the weekend. You offered to house sit and they’re ecstatic to have such a friendly neighbor willing to do it for free. But you have an ulterior motive. You know they’re using the Pizza-Tron 5000 XL Microwave, with extra room for maximum flakyness on the dough. You know it’s next to the window and easily viewable from your own house. And you know that the window is going to be open because you’re the one opening windows now.

You know all this because it’s time. It’s time to frisbee that pizza. It’s now or never. The devil’s work ain’t going to do itself now, is it?

John Hurst is your host this week and he is not going to leave this dusty crossroads without a deal. Aaron Littleton is your co-host and he is still quite full, thank you.

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S5:E20 – Zoobooks (original commercial)

Twelve issues of animals! Twelve of them! Can you name them all?

Aaron Littleton is your host this week and That’s the promise of Zoobooks where you are going to learn about these specific animals or die trying. If you survive, you get a cool tiger poster, thee centerpiece to any elementary school child’s room. If you don’t, well, your parents got 6 more sweet issues about camels to sift through. And this new copy of Lamborghini Tigerposter’s new licensed game to play they got for your birthday. Hey, he looks way older than he should be on this title screen. Weird. Ah well. Animals!

Aaron Littleton is your host this week and he’s got a list of animals he will at least try to learn about. John Hurst is your co-host and he’s trying to find the rare actually legal Video CD.

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