
S8:E16 – Hidden Valley Ranch Commercial

At Hidden Valley, the ranch flows unending. There’s just too much of it. We need to use it in more and more creative ways, but it means we all must make sacrifices. The ice cream truck? Gone. It’s now full of vegetables (and ranch dressing.) The children? They must enjoy the ranch as well. If they do not, they’re not effective and they’re BANISHED from the Valley of Hidden. We must all do our part. Bring in the big bowl. Stick your fist in it. Lick the ranch from your knuckles. It’s ranch or be ranch’d, buckos.

Aaron Littleton is your host this week and he’s re-ranching his lawn this week. John Hurst is your co-host and he’s getting gaslit very easily!!

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S8:E15 – Kingfish Restaurant Commercial

If you go to Kingfish Restaurant in Louisville, KY, it sounds like you’ll get some pretty good seafood! This is judging by the reviews online, but also the reviews of these paid(?) actors in the 1990s commercial they made it sound pretty sweet too! The catchy jingle and the twirling of shrimp and onion rings catch the eye and make it determine it as a fun place potentially. But before we even get there, we have to meet… Richard. Richard is pictured above. And he’s down for whatever you want. Get out those lobster bids, baby. It’s fishin’ time.

John Hurst is your host this week and he is going to crack up every time he sees Richard so you’re going to have to deal with that. Aaron Littleton is your co-host and he’s worried about the hanging paper towel in the workplace bathroom.

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S8:E14 – Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Opening

It’s Star Trek! In DEEP ASS SPACE! And… They’re mostly chilling. People are on their time share, y’know. Enjoying life among the potential war zone. Drinking at Quark’s Bar. Complaining about Romulan Ale or something. Look, I loved Deep Space Nine but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it remotely in narrative order. Mostly it was in SpikeTV/USA Network order in between sessions of Earth Basketball. I’m just waiting for my week, is all!

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Aaron Littleton is your host this week and he’s really excited about getting some of those syllables out! John Hurst is your co-host and he’s trying to figure out a way to spin it into getting onto Sesame Street.

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It’s becomming firework season again in the US, which ranges from May – whenever we run out of fireworks! All manner of firepower big and small will be used, but maybe not these dainty little dragons that shoot fire out of two directions. They’re just too cute! You want to hug it while its on fire! That’s not a great feature for a firework! Unless that feature is burn insurance. Also, Puff the Magic Dragon versus Pete’s Dragon. Important topics. Critical topics.

John Hurst is your host this week and he’s enjoying the silence. Aaron Littleton is your co-host and he made this whole scenario later in the podcast so don’t believe him when he says otherwise.

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S8:E12 – Herman Miller Chair Commercial

Everyone loves a Herman Miller chair. Especially the host this week Aaron. But Aaron doesn’t want to pay full price for a Herman Miller chair, understandably! That’s why he is working for co-host John as his left Porsche 911 shoe, a concept he is looking to get outlawed *immediately* in all 50 states. Is it worth it? Absolutely not. But is a Herman Miller chair and it does turn you into a cyberskeleton soooooo… Maybe?!

Aaron Littleton is your host this week and he’s doing all the things described in the above paragraph. John Hurst is your co-host this weeek and he too is doing everything in the above paragraph.

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