S8:E29 – Dr Pepper “Godzilla” Commercial

When Godzilla chooses a beverage, you can be sure he is going to choose the number 3 beverage in the United States (Which has lately been the number 2 beverage depending on the poll you believe. Godzilla might be ecstatic about this news!) He’s got places to be and he needs that caffeiene to help him get to Manitoba and back! He’s got a wheatification process he’s trying to get through the Science Committe back on Monster Island that may solve world hunger too as long as you’re not in the city he’s wrecking. That’s the price of his science! Though maybe we should not be calling it “Godzillification” due to those destructive tendencies.

John Hurst is your host this week and he is forcing himself to learn more about Manitoba after this episode (Sorry Manitoba, but it looks very nice!) Aaron Littleton is your temporary co-host and he’s busy not building a catapult.

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S8:E28 – Rattle Me Bones Board Game Ad

“Rattle Me Bones, bonedaddy!” is not just for bedroom talk anymore! Now you can play without the dirty talk in the Rattle Me Bones home game! It’s like Operation, except there’s a little skeleton guy wiggling! Everyone wins! Except maybe the skeleton since you’re taking their stuff and that’s not very nice. That skeleton has places to be. He’s got a movie to catch at home and he’s making sure the ghost haunting the apartment can’t choose what to watch AGAIN! That’s the pecking order, baby! Physicality in Death!

Aaron Littleton is your host this week and he’s got big plans for his posthumous lifestyle. John Hurst is your co-host and he’s with you every step of the way as long as he gets to break a window.

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S8:E27 – POV: You’re a bag that was just checked at the airport

It’s time to become what we always wanted to be: Useless bags going to useless destinations! Finally, I can lay down and enjoy the ride, get handled by security and slightly irradiated just like I always wanted. Maybe I can be sorted to a better place in life! Sure, it just might be the gate to Cincinnati, but that’s a city of cities, right? That’s a pretty good start! Maybe they’ll let me eat a 8 AM pizza on this conveyor too. It came from the airport and I’m not bringing in, so I think I got a chance there.

John Hurst is your host this week and he’s establishing the greeting order for the podcast. Aaron Littleton is your co-host and he is going to invent the telephone in the future so let’s forget about the current and past telephones, okay?

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S8:E26 – Hamlet “2000” Movie Trailer

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him well! He made this slidedeck for me to sell Denmark! They don’t know that we’re doing it. Well, maybe they have an inkling of an idea. We’re called the Denmark Corporation after all. We kind of said on our yearly business review that we are going to “sell that damn country finally”. So, maybe they won’t be blindsided. But we’re dedicated to selling it and we have quite a pitch for you! Just ask our former’s president’s ghost! He’s not thinking of revenge at all! Or making his son do it!

Aaron Littleton is your host this week and he needs to pitch to Microsoft precisely on January of 2000 if this scheme is to work. John Hurst is your co-host and he wouldn’t be caught dead calling it a PowerPoint.

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