In some far distant era, when the year 2019 sounds like the year 219 to our modern ears, little of what made us will remain. Our physical bodies will have dissolved away, very little will prove that we ever existed at all. Some art though, will live on. Some of it will be great, while some of it will just be lucky. Our subject today is the former.

We watched the omni-present HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA for our video this week. Watch it as if you haven’t already memorized its every pixel.

John Hurst hosts and uses bread. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and talks olives!

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S3:E26 – Konami PSX Era Logo

To Steven, the person whom I lent Final Fantasy VII to in middle school and never returned it: No, seriously, what happened to that copy of Final Fantasy VII, Steven? I’m not even mad anymore about it! You said you broke Disc 1 and threw away the entire game. We all know that’s a lie! The guard who never lies knew it was a lie and the guard who always lies actually broke his own promise because he know that horsedung too! You get some sweet cash for it? Enough to buy a copy of Mortal Kombat: Special Forces maybe? I hope you did. I hope you and your lies and your subpar PlayStation 1 brawlers are happy, Steven! This is what I use instead of a therapist these days!

Well, that and this podcast. The one you’re about to hear. This time, it’s the Konami logo movie from the Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Playstation disc.  We loop it. A lot. We don’t think that’s very healthy of us! Naturally, you should join us!

Aaron hosts this week and buys some cables from who knows where on the internet. John co-hosts and keeps losing all these toy boats!

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S3:E25 – 沖縄食糧の天気予報

Man, I have no idea what’s happening here. I watched this a bunch and I just…don’t get it. Is that rice? Coconuts? Why is it hairy? What. Is. This. John. Seriously.

We watched something or another this week. Get in on it.

John Hurst hosts this week and lives in the goof. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and has to explore the options.

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S3:E24 – Ric Flair Fireworks Commercial

We’re back to the well with more local Ric Flair commercials! This week, we watched something out of Kansas where Ric hocks some fireworks and seems supremely disinterested. Like, REALLY disinterested. Like, mostly he’s thinking about eating ham sandwiches kind of disinterested.

Here’s the commercial. It’s…not worth watching.

Aaron Littleton hosts and wins another award. John Hurst co-hosts and googles dry wall.

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S3:E23 – Sting and RoboCop Wrestling Promo

The year was 1990 and the decade had just rolled over, kayfabe was still alive and somehow, SOMEHOW people bought the idea of Sting teaming up with Sting in a tag team wrestling match against Ric Flair. Even without endless fog machines and sweet pink stage lighting, life was good.

This week we watched a fantastic WCW promo featuring Sting and, yes, RoboCop. John dredged this up from somewhere and I honestly don’t have a great YouTube link for it. Click here for as close as I could get.

John Hurst hosts this week and does a laying down work out. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and eats Cheez-Its.

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