S3:E22 – Volkswagen Golf GTi Casino Commercial

What can make you smile? A million dollars? A kitten? Perhaps even…gold? Well, for one man in 1980s Europe (and let’s not get too more specific on just exactly where in Europe) there was one and only one answer for that: a Volkswagen hatchback. Some people, huh?

This week, we watched a classic Volkswagen Golf GTi commercial on loop. Join us, won’t you?

Aaron Littleton hosts and has a top tip! John Hurst co-hosts and has a scheme!

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S3:E21 – Orkin “Always Workin'” Commercial

If your house bugs and a spare room, it may be time to call Orkin. Yes, for just the price of room and board for a stranger for the rest of their (or your) life you too can maybe be free of insects for a little while. It’s…great?

Anyway, we watched this entirely forgettable Orkin commercial on loop. I… I have no idea why. Join us.

John Hurst hosts and blows an air horn. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and falls out of the back of a truck.

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S3:E20 – Action Park Commercial

Are regular theme parks not enough any more? Not getting the same thrills from being strapped into a roller coaster called the Exploding Eagle and zooming upside down over a parking lot that could easily become your grave if the 21 year old stoner “safety inspector” called Cory failed to do his job properly that morning? Well, do we have the park for you!

Closed because of deaths and then reopened to more deaths and possibly worse, this Action Park commercial that we watched on loop probably does as good a job as any gruesome news story of dissuading visitors from coming.

Aaron Littleton hosts and fails at boating safety. John Hurst co-hosts and gives up caffeine.

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Don’t feel down, little green man! You can do this! Yes you can! You’re my strong little green man with a purple hat and a towel around your neck! Chin up little guy! Yes, chin up!

A boost for everyone’s psyche, this week, we watched a clip from Dragon Ball Z where Piccolo feels pretty good. Check it out here!

John Hurst hosts this week and outlaws towels. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and wears two shirts!

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S3:E18 – SeaQuest DSV TV Opening

The Sonic wars almost escalated into a third week. Thankfully, a deal was reached and the armistice was signed between the two hosts. The mutual ground to sign such a treaty? A minor Sci-Fi TV series that noone can actually remember what it was about. Only that they quested in the sea a lot and there was a dolphin that can communicate with humans. But is there a tragic backstory behind this dolphin? There’s always a tragic backstory in sci-fi. Isn’t it time that the dolphins got their fair, tragic take? Join us as we weave a tale about a hero turn villain, Big Bad Daddy Flips.

Aaron Littleton is your host this week and he is not about to go into that Sonic loop again. John Hurst is your co-host and RIDES OR DIES WITH THE DOLPHINS.

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