S2:E43 – MST3K / Top Gear TV Openings

It’s our two year anniversary, so we decided to watch our favorite television show themes as a treat to ourselves! Also: we briefly recount the plots of Star Trek II and III. I dunno!

You can watch the Mystery Science Theater 3000 theme here! You can check out the Top Gear theme here!

Aaron Littleton hosts and remembers! John Hurst co-hosts and sets up an auction!

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S2:E42 – DOOM E1M1 Speedrun

DOOM is a video game that really, really doesn’t want you to look around. 30 seconds par for its first level? It’s basically a digital “No Loitering” sign. Speedrunner Panter decided to put that to shame with the world record 9 second run of DOOM’s E1M1 “Hangar” level.

Catch the video here.

John Hurst hosts and bothers old men. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and eats potato salad.

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S2:E41 – The Office TV Opening

When the cubicle walls seem like a towering oceanfront fortress and the copy machine a glimmering treasure of plunder, one might begin to wonder if there is a viking buried deep inside oneself. One may long for the freedom of the sea and the roar of battle, but when the true histories are read, one will find that even during those heady days, HR was close behind.

This week, we watched The Office TV Opening on loop.

Aaron Littleton cohosts and heads over to Accounting. John Hurst co-hosts and beats a drum.

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S2:E40 – The Elder Scrolls VI Teaser

We are not immune to the siren call of E3. Traffic, there for the taking and desperately needed, is locked only behind one’s ability to produce proper SEO-focused content to rise to the top of the Google search results. As such, behold: everything you need to know about The Elder Scrolls VI teaser trailer. We reveal AS MUCH OR MORE of the game as any other podcast.

John Hurst hosts and talks about Sonic the Hedgehog 3. Aaron Littleton C.O.H.O.S.T.s and shares things about mutual funds.

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