S1:E22 – Sony Playstation Startup Screen


No, seriously. That’s what we looped this week.

Jesus Christ. Aaron, what have you done.

The header tag is extremely related, I promise you.

Aaron Littleton hosts this week while John Hurst co-hosts and is very sleepy, perhaps trying to escape this nightmarish hell world into something more palpable, like Wild ARMs.

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S1:E21 – “Lick It Up” by KISS Music Video


Where were you when KISS took off their makeup? You may not have even been born yet and thus it doesn’t affect you that much. That’s okay! But just like in the history books, we all have to learn about the deadly repercussions of our actions or else we are doomed to repeat them. Such is the case with KISS in the 80s, when they thought they could make more money but being visually less interesting. Let’s expore the world of “Lick It Up”! Learn about the terrible ripple effects that it had on our society as a whole and also how the squeeze bottle industry came into existence!

John Hurst hosts this week and thinks “Love Gun” is a much more preferable song than whatever we’re listening to here. Aaron Littleton co-hosts and is bringing disco back with in style!

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S1:E20 – Baywatch Nights


If you have ever looked at David Hasslehoff and gone “You know what? There’s too much day going on all around him. Why can’t I get my Hasslehoff on at NIGHT instead?” then I have some good news for you: You can! With Baywatch Nights! To celebrate our 20th episode and almost a dozen of even-numbered ones, we go back to the original idea that started it all, turn it at least 12 hours into the future and see what happens. Watch as the Baywatch crew not only save lives (they don’t) but also expose CRIME (they also don’t.) Also, watch as we learn how our hero never seems to sleep! Ever!

Aaron Littleton hosts this week under the cover of night! John Hurst co-hosts and is behind a series of mysterious ghost sightings and is eating a sandwich.

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S1:E19 – Pokemon Theme Song


You probably don’t want your mom listening to this episode of Video Death Loop, especially if your mom is a fan of shows that ran on Fox!

In celebration of Pokemon Sun and Moon coming out this week, we of the Video Death Loop consortium look back at the first Pokemon anime theme, forcing it into their brains on repeat. Aaron, meanwhile, discovers the ultimate test in the Space Race and the terrible consequences for one boy and his precious Game Boy.  How does this all connect together? I don’t know either! Just listen and find out!

John Hurst hosts this week through a series of obscure rituals and meaningful mythological symbols. Aaron Littleton is his co-host and insists he should probably just use the microphone.

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S1:E18 – Mike Gravel – Rock



After a tumultuous week for politics in America, let’s settle down to a simpler, much calmer time with former Alaskan senator Mike Gravel! A time where a man only had to have a rock to make a potential point that may or may not be symbolism for something else entirely. Sink in deeply into your seat as the wordless man makes him impact, leaving you wondering the important questions in life. Questions like “What color are his eyes?”, “How cold is it in that park? It looks a little chilly” and “Is Mike Gravel secretly a genie?” Tune in to this week’s episode for all that and more???

Aaron Littleton hoists his hosting rock deep into the pond as John Hurst walks on by, trying to make sense of everything in a perfect loop forever. FOREVER.

Video Death Loop Episode 18 – Mike Gravel – Rock

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